
Welcome to the Children’s Ministry page of LBC!

When and Where

Sunday Mornings
  • 0-2 year olds in the nursery
  • 3-5 year olds in the preschool room
  • 1st – 5th grade meet for Sunday School in the Children’s hallway
  • During the worship service we offer nursery for 0-2 yrs, and Children’s Church dismisses from the service for 3-5 year olds
Wednesday nights
  • Family Meal at 5:30
  • Various classes from nursery-5th grade dismissed from the meal meet from 6-7:30

Your Family Matters to Us

Our Children’s Ministry exists to serve the children and families of Lewisport and Hancock County. Families are one of our key values at LBC, and we take every step to ensure a fun, engaging, safe environment for your children to come and enjoy themselves, build relationships, and learn about the gospel.

We have a great team of trained volunteers who are excited to spend time with your children and lead them in bible study. You can check your children in at the connection center on Wednesday nights and pick up is at the same place at 7:30.

Our hope for our Children’s and Student ministry is to help ground our young people in a biblical worldview, pointing them to the gospel in all that we do. We understand that parents are the ones with primary responsibility for ensuring the spiritual growth of their children, and we want to be a resource to help encourage that growth.

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