Biblical worship is an informed, whole-life response to who God is, what He has done, and what He has promised He will do. (We see this in five primary passages of Scripture: Deut. 6:4-9; Matt. 22:37; Jn. 4:23-24; Rom. 12:1-2; Rev. 22.) Worship is both individual and corporate, vertical and horizontal. It is God-centered, Christ-focused, Spirit-empowered, Word-based, prayer-saturated, and is participatory for all.
The vertical and primary dimension is God’s engaging with us and our responding to Him. God initiates through revelation in the world and the Bible, calling us to worship, or love and live, in a way that shows He is our highest treasure (Matt. 13:44; Phil. 3:7-8).
The horizontal dimension is shaped by God’s approach to us. As God ministers to us by His grace in Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we respond to God and minister to one another (Col. 3:12-17; Eph. 5:1, 15-21). This expressed in corporate/gathered worship as Christians who have covenanted to do Christian life together meet to join in worshiping God with one another, and all together.
Corporate worship involves preparation, and is the overflow of individuals worshiping God privately and with their family members throughout the week.
It is common to view music as the worship part of the service. However, our worship gathering is holistic. There is not preaching and worship, or giving and worship. It is all worship, Worship is expressed in various ways: reading the Bible, prayer, preaching God’s Word, confession of sin, singing, celebrating baptism and the Lord’s Supper, teaching, admonishing, and testimonies.
Our music is intended to help those gathered sing biblical truth with appropriate engagement of our emotions and affections. The songs we sing reflect the cloud of witnesses from church history as well as the active work of God in the lives of Christians today, meaning that we sing songs from the sixteenth through twenty-first centuries.
Our music varies in style, but is primarily band-driven. This allows people to sing with styles they prefer, and practice deference by valuing the worship of all of God’s people above one’s own desire. Worship is focused on God, and our preferences are secondary or tertiary.
We value participation, and plan our services to involve as many as possible from week to week. At times, we will worship with someone, or a group, as they play and/or sing a special song, often called special music. This is most effective and helpful to the congregation when it is less frequent and highlights a focus for a worship service.
If you sing, play an instrument, or enjoy techy things (sound, media, video), contact the church office to learn how you can serve with us.